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  1. For the safety and security of the Brunswick Community College campus, ALL students, faculty, and staff (hereafter, users) will be required to obtain a photo identification card, issued through BCC Library.
  2. This ID will serve as the official means of identification for Brunswick Community College.
  3. Unless a user loses/misplaces the BCC ID card, it will only need to be issued once. Lost BCC ID cards must be replaced. 
  4. BCC ID cards should be carried at all times while on campus, and under no circumstances should they be altered or lent to another user. Presentation of the BCC ID card is required to borrow materials from BCC Library, to test in TLC, and may be required for identification or participation in various student activities or events.
  5. BCC supports name changes, official or preferred.  In the event of an official name change, the user is encouraged to work with Student Services/HR to correct the student/employee record, as this name will be used on all college documentation, including transcripts, degrees, certificates, etc.  For preferred first name changes, the user is encouraged to log their preferrence in Self Service.  Please note that, while BCC Library will make the requested name change when the ID is created, the name change will not be reflected systemwide until the user has worked with the appropriate units to change the user record permanently.
  6. Users who do not have proper identification may be asked to leave campus. BCC users should be prepared to show identification at all times if asked by college officials or Sheriff's Deputies what business they have on campus. If an individual claims to be a student, they will be asked to show their student ID. If none can be provided, the individual will be asked to leave campus until they can return with a valid BCC ID. Those who resist will be escorted off campus by Sheriff's Deputies and further disciplinary action may be taken if necessary. Campus visitors (i.e., potential applicant filing for admissions/financial aid, prospective students on a campus tour), if asked to show ID, will be allowed to continue with their business and are then expected to leave campus upon completion of that business.



  1. BCC users unaccompanied by BCC staff members must present at least one of the following to BCC Library staff at the time the BCC ID card is made: a government-issued photo identification, a class schedule, or an HR document.
  2. Faces must be clearly visible in photos; BCC users may be instructed to push hats up if faces are obscured.

With thanks to and in acknowledgement of James Sprunt Community College’s “Student Identification Policy.”