***Please note, this post was updated on August 16, 2022.***
On December 16, 2019, BCC Library officially switched over to the EZ Proxy system via NC LIVE.
This means that, from now on, BCC users just need to log on once (i.e., one way) in order to access ALL of our databases from off campus. No more competing passwords to remember! And, most importantly, no more keeping track of changing passwords weekly, annually, etc. Hurrah!
So, the next time you click on one of our databases via the A-Z Database List (http://brunswickcc.libguides.com/az.php) on the Library Portal, you will be presented with this page:
BCC faculty/staff/students and BCECHS students will need to click on the "BCC Email Address" option. Once you do that, you will be brought to an Office 365 logon screen, much like when BCC faculty/staff/students log in to their email online:
You will need to enter your complete email address (not just the username) and then your password in order to access our databases. Then you just have to select whether you want to stay signed in or not (if you do, it should remember your login on that machine until you actively sign out -- good if you are on your own computer; if you happen to be on a public machine, however, you may want to elect not to stay signed in). After making your selection, you should stay logged in for the duration of that session, at least (or longer if you elect to stay signed in), and can click in and out of new databases as needed without logging in again.
Don't know your BCC username and password? Email Distance Learning (brunsdl@brunswickcc.edu).
BCECHS faculty/staff and BCC community patrons will use the "No BCC Email Address" option. Enter your library card number from the back of your BCC ID card in the "No BCC Email Address" section and click on the "Log in with your library card" button. Once you do that, you should be brought into the database you clicked on.
Troubleshooting: If you experience any login problems or if you don't have a BCC ID card, please fill out this form (https://brunswickcc.libwizard.com/f/proxy) or contact the library (bcclrc@brunswickcc.edu) and someone will be in touch as soon as possible to get things sorted out for you.
As with every new system, it will take some getting used to. And we ask that you keep us posted on any technical issues you experience; as ever, we are poised to help! But, overall, this should be a major improvement for our users. We hope you will agree!
Happy holidays, all!