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eBooks & eAudiobooks Guide: Home

This guide explores all the ebook and audiobook resources that BCC Library provides access to through online databases and internet sources.

1. Click on "eBook Search" to search for ebooks by keyword or to browse by topic in the pop-out window.

2. Click on an ebook cover image of interest; depending upon the title, either click on the URL or click on a chapter title to access the ebook.

3. Depending upon the title, read the ebook online, search for terms within the book, or sign into your free account (or set up a new free account) by clicking on "My Bookshelf."



1. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner of the screen to access the menu; click on "All Titles" to limit to books.

Hamburger icon in CREDO Reference


2. Search for ebooks by title keyword or browse by subject.

Browsing books by subject or searching on title keywords


3. Click on an ebook cover image of interest; access ebook content by clicking on chapter title.



1. Search for ebooks by keyword or browse by subject.


2. Click on an ebook cover image of interest; read the ebook online or download for offline reading.


3. Sign into your free account (or set up a new free account) by clicking on "Sign In." You can then highlight passages in the ebooks you read and make virtual sticky notes to yourself. Once signed in, any ebook you read, download, or annotate will henceforth be available in your "Bookshelf."


4. For more information about all of Ebook Central's features, please see their LibGuide:



1. Search for ebooks by keyword or browse by category.

Browsing and searching in EBSCO eBooks


2. Click on an ebook cover image of interest; read the ebook online (by clicking on the PDF or -- when available -- the EPUB option) or download for offline reading.

Ways to access full-text in EBSCO eBooks


3. Browse by chapter or click on "Search within" to search by keyword within the ebook; click on "My Notes" to make virtual sticky notes to yourself (in order to save these notes, however, you will need to click on "Sign In" to sign into your existing EBSCOhost account or set a new one up).

Searching within an ebook and making notes in EBSCO eBooks


4. For more information about all of eBooks on EBSCOhost's features, please see their LibGuide:



1. Search for ebooks by keyword or browse by subject.

Searching and browsing in Gale eBooks


2. Click on an ebook cover image of interest; search within the publication by keyword (specifying "all volumes" or "within this volume"), choose a different volume using the dropdown menu, or click on a chapter title to access the ebook content.

Accessing full-text in Gale eBooks


3. To highlight passages and make virtual sticky notes to yourself, select the text using your mouse and then click on the desired color or type text in the resulting pop-up menu; to see all of your annotations for an ebook, click on "Highlights and Notes" in the top right corner of the screen. Be sure to sign into Gale with Google or Microsoft if you want to retain these annotations for future reference.

Annotations in Gale eBooks


4. Click on "Book View" to see a PDF version of the text and/or to browse more easily the full book.

Viewing PDF in Gale eBooks



1. To browse ebooks, click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner of the page to display the pop-up menu; then click on options like "Curations," "Categories," and "Watch."


2. To search ebooks, type keywords into the search box in the top right corner of the page and click "Search"; once results are returned, you can refine them by selecting from options like "Content Type," "Publication Year," and "Place of Publication" on the left side of the screen.

Refining results in HomeGrown eBooks


3. Click on an ebook cover image of interest, then click "Read" to access content; click on the right-side arrows to page through the book. To make virtual sticky notes to yourself, click on the bottom circular button and sign into your existing BiblioBoard profile (or create a new one) in the resulting pop-up window.

Engaging with full-text in HomeGrown eBooks



1. To borrow modern ebooks, sign into your existing Open Library account by clicking on "Log In" or set up a new account by clicking on the red "Sign Up" button. Supported devices include Nook, Kindle, iPad, and Android tablets.


2. Search for ebooks by keyword or browse by subject.


3. Click on an ebook cover image of interest. If the ebook is available to borrow, click on the "Borrow eBook" button; if the ebook is currently checked out, click on the "Join waiting list" button to be notified when the ebook is available to be checked out to you (you will then have twenty-four hours to check the ebook out before it is offered to the next person on the list). Otherwise, the ebook may be available to download freely as a PDF, plain text, ePub, or MOBI file.

4. For more information about using Open Library, please see their FAQ page:


Internet Sources

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